When Is the Right Time for Preventative Roof Maintenance?

Kathleen Maxwell | June 12, 2018

close up shot of a black and white clock set to 11:52

You go to the doctor for a checkup. You get the oil changed in your car. But, you completely take for granted the roof over your head.

We get it—preventative maintenance isn’t sexy. Nobody’s pulse speeds up when they hear about commercial roof inspections or flashing repairs. But, if that doesn’t get you going, we can guarantee there is one thing that will make your eyes bulge: The cost of putting a new roof on your facility.

We say this all the time, but it bears repeating: Every roof will need to be replaced at some point. But, if you perform preventative maintenance regularly, you can greatly extend the life of your roof and keep small repair costs from turning into big replacement costs too soon.

What Is Preventative Roof Maintenance?

Before we continue talking about why preventative maintenance is important, let’s define exactly what it is. Preventative roof maintenance includes inspecting your roof regularly and performing proactive services before they become large issues, causing costly repairs. Essentially, preventative maintenance is checking on the health of your roof regularly and providing timely tune-ups when needed to give your roof a healthier and longer life.

Can Preventative Roof Maintenance Save Money?

So, you may be wondering—how exactly does preventative roof maintenance save your company money (and potential stress)? Consider this example:

Let’s say you had your roof installed in 2013.

“It’s a brand-new roof,” you thought. “There’s no way it’ll need any attention for at least a few years.”

So, you ignored it. Little did you know, the roofing crew was in a rush to finish the job on time, so they sped through the installation. Because of this, a tiny crack formed at the corner of the roof.

As time passed, the alternating heat of summer and cold of winter caused that crack to expand.

It turned into a leak in late 2014, but since it was on the corner of the roof, the water flowed down the side of the building—and the leak went unnoticed.

In early 2015, you decided to have a roof inspection performed.

“I doubt it’s necessary…but, just to be safe,” you said to the inspector.

After the inspection, he said, “Everything looks great, except for one thing. Did you know you had a crack in this corner of the roof?”

He pointed to the ceiling.

“No…we’ve never noticed anything.”

Fast forward a few days and after some further investigation.

“Bad news. That crack is a leak, and you have wet insulation. You’re going to have to get that section of the roof replaced, in addition to the insulation and possibly the drywall.”

And, just think: If you would have caught that crack earlier, it could have been patched in a matter of minutes for a fraction of the cost.

When Is the Right Time for Preventative Roof Maintenance?

Preventative roof maintenance probably won’t help you win any popularity contests or make you sound interesting to an attractive stranger, but it will save you from unplanned expenses and help you with budgeting roof expenses. The right time begins as early as new roof installation. Unlike fine wine, roofs do not age better with time. If you’re interested in learning exactly how a preventative maintenance plan can help your business, click here to contact us today. Our team of professionals are ready to assist.

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