Don't Fall for These Winter Commercial Roofing Maintenance Myths

Kathleen Maxwell | November 6, 2023

Commercial roof with snow and icicles hanging down over a window in the wintertime.

Many building owners think that commercial roof maintenance is restricted to the spring and summer months. However, winter is also an important time to monitor your commercial roof. There are plenty of myths surrounding roof care in winter, so it’s essential to dive into and dismantle each one. Every season brings its own particular stress to commercial roofs, and that’s also the case in winter. We’ll walk you through several persistent myths to help you understand why winter roofing maintenance for commercial buildings is key. 

Myth 1: Snow and ice don’t cause leaks.

Rain, wind, and storm debris are known roofing hazards, but many commercial building owners don’t realize that winter actually presents the biggest risk for leaks. For example, rainwater, and melting snow can build up on the roof. Over time, this water can weaken the roof and cause a leak. When water freezes, it can also cause blockages that damage gutters and drains. Ice also builds up on the edge of roofs and near drainage areas, forming what is known as an ice dam. These ice dams can block water from draining, causing leaks and other problems. At Maxwell Roofing,  our MAXCARE program will take steps to ensure that ice dams and melting snow don’t cause leaks during the winter. 

Myth 2: Inspections have to be done in the fall, spring, or summer.

This myth is partially true but misunderstood. Ideally, commercial building owners should have their roofs checked for any problems ahead of winter or in the spring after winter has passed. Commercial roofing companies can take steps to prepare a roof for winter with a fall inspection and can even do a winter inspection if necessary. Though it may be difficult to get roofers up on a roof during the winter months, it is still possible during an emergency. Many commercial roofing companies can use specialized cameras or even drones to find a leak if it’s not possible for them to get onto the roof safely. If you suspect a leak, don’t wait until spring to address it! When it comes to our customers, we’re dedicated to finding a solution to the issue and checking it out as soon as you notice it. 

Myth 3: Commercial roofs do not impact building temperature.

This is not true at all. In fact, a commercial roof is one of the most important insulating components of a building. A properly maintained roof made from updated energy-efficient materials will help keep your building warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It can also help you accrue significant savings on energy bills. If you’re experiencing cold drafts or other unexpected temperature swings in your building, it might be time to bring an inspector out to ensure that your roof is properly insulated. 

Myth 4: You can’t get roof repairs and replacements in winter.

It may be unorthodox, but it is possible for a commercial roofing company to repair and even replace your roof in the winter. In warm climates, winter can even be preferable so that workers can stay cool while doing their work. If your roof is in need of some repairs or a replacement, don’t wait until the weather changes to address the issue. Instead, get it fixed as soon as possible.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to maintain your roof in winter, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal. Our team is ready to help with all of your winter roofing needs.

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