Why Property Managers Choose Maxwell Monitors

Kathleen Maxwell | July 30, 2021

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Juggling the needs of multiple properties is one of the biggest challenges for property managers. Since every building is different with its own maintenance requirements, just keeping up with the status quo can become an all-consuming part of the job. 

When the COVID-19 pandemic appeared, we at Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. saw many of our customers struggle to keep up with the changing needs of their businesses and buildings. Thus, we created Maxwell Monitors to help property managers with their routine building needs, so they could focus their attention on the business.

Even with the pandemic winding down, property managers are still choosing Maxwell Monitors to help lessen their loads. Here are just a few of the things Maxwell Monitors can help property managers accomplish:

1. Keep track of unoccupied buildings.

The pandemic shifted building use all over the country, and many office buildings still remain unoccupied. But, even a building without people requires maintenance and monitoring in case of an emergency. With Maxwell Monitors, property managers can get regular status updates on their unoccupied buildings to ensure that they are in great shape for an eventual return to business.

2. Oversee the health of high-use buildings.

For buildings under constant use—like apartments or manufacturing facilities—it can be difficult and time consuming for property managers to coordinate maintenance and repairs. With Maxwell Monitors, we can take over the routine, time-consuming tasks that are needed to keep high-use buildings healthy and in working condition.

3. Easily survey multiple buildings.

Trying to keep up with maintenance on multiple buildings at once can become a full-time job for a property manager. Maxwell Monitors can track each building in a portfolio and deliver easy-to-understand reports on the condition of each one. Maxwell Monitors makes it easy to keep track of every building in a portfolio. 

4. Prevent costly damage.

Early detection of a building problem is crucial for effective and budget-friendly building repairs. The sooner an issue is identified, the less likely it is to become a major, costly repair. Regular surveys by Maxwell Monitors help identify maintenance issues quickly and fix them before they cause expensive damage. 

5. Free up time to manage your core business.

By passing on routine tasks to Maxwell Monitors, property managers are able to put their focus on developing their business and increasing revenue. In the long-term, Maxwell Monitors can help businesses save money and open new revenue streams. 

If you’re ready to get started, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. today! Our team is experienced and ready to help.

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