What Time of Year is Best for a Roof Replacement?

Kathleen Maxwell | November 9, 2022

business people working on financial calculations for a roof replacement

With milder temperatures and less rain, fall is undoubtedly the best time of year for a roof replacement. If you’re preparing your budget for a big roofing job, here are a few reasons you should consider starting the commercial roof replacement process sometime between August and November.

1. Avoid weather delays

Extreme summer heat and frequent spring rain storms can force work crews to delay a project. In the fall, temperatures are relatively cool, and rain is much less frequent, making weather delays rare. The average temperatures in fall make work easier and more efficient. It’s also generally a more convenient season for tenants of a commercial building. 

2. Repair damage from summer

Summer is one of the most damaging months for a commercial roof. Sun and heat can crack or fade the roof surface, pushing a roof that’s already aging or damaged over the edge. When leaves, large branches, and other debris fall on a roof in autumn, it can further weaken roofs that have taken a beating during the summer months. The best fall roofing protection is to get a replacement when a commercial roof is no longer effectively protecting your building.  

3. Prepare your building for winter

If your commercial roof is already on its last leg, it’s best to get it fixed before the cold winter months set in. Without a functioning roof, winter weather events can do serious damage to your building. If your roof is compromised, your building may not stay dry in the winter, and your interior spaces may not be insulated from the cold. Mold remediation and huge heating bills can add up to a much greater cost than replacing a roof when it’s ready.

4. Streamline your maintenance schedule.

Because of the danger winter weather can present to commercial roofs, fall is also considered the best month for maintenance, cleaning, and inspections. Getting a roof replacement this time of the year sets your business up for the ideal annual maintenance schedule

If you’re hoping to get your roof replaced before winter sets in, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal today. Our team is ready to help with your roof replacement.

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