Quality vs. Price: How General Contractors Can Choose the Best Commercial Roof Value

David Maxwell | February 25, 2021


A commercial roof is often one of the largest investments in any construction project. The high cost of a roof can make cutting corners seem tempting, but any good general contractor knows just how important a leak-free roof will be going forward. 

The bottom line with commercial roofs is that you get what you pay for. This makes selecting a company to construct a commercial roof a balancing act, weighing price versus quality. The starting point for any general contractor looking for a good commercial roof value is to get roof estimates from local companies. Any reputable roof company can provide an accurate roof estimate that will include costs, crew size, and the amount of time it will take to complete the project. 

When comparing the roof estimates there are a few things to consider about pricing. There are also a couple things to think about when trying to assess the value of a proposal.

Things that you don’t want to skimp on:

1. Experience and Reputation

Always choose a reputable company for your commercial roof. These companies may cost a bit more, but they will ensure that you don’t wind up with a defective roof later on. Experienced roofers pay more attention to detail, can better troubleshoot problems, and work more quickly and efficiently. It’s worth it to pay for a company that will do the work right in order to prevent other costly problems later on.

2. Insurance

Liability insurance is expensive for roofing companies, but the money saved by using an uninsured company is not worth the risk that it poses. Roofing accidents happen to even the most experienced of roofers, and without insurance, those incidents can cost your company big time. Not only does liability insurance prevent costly lawsuits, it also makes sure employees are treated well in case of an accident. Choosing an insured company is simply the right thing to do.

3. Materials

Subpar materials will lead to a subpar roof. No matter what type of roof you choose for your commercial building, make sure it is built with long-lasting materials. Choosing quality materials will help your roof last longer and prevent costly damage down the line.

4. Future Maintenance

When budgeting for a new commercial roof, it’s important to look beyond the immediate construction costs. Maintaining a roof is just important to its longevity as good construction. Set aside some money for future maintenance and be aware of the costs of maintaining whatever type of roof you choose.

Where you can save money:

1. Roof Type

Roof costs can vary quite a bit per square foot, depending on the type of roof you choose. There are plenty of practical considerations for what type of roof is best for your building, but you can save some money by choosing something that may be less aesthetically pleasing. Even if you choose a type of roof that’s easier on your budget, the roofers can still use quality materials to build it.

2. Long-Term Budgeting and Bundling

A commercial roof is a long-term investment. Instead of thinking about roof value in terms of the up-front construction costs, companies should consider the long-term costs. Many companies offer plans for roof management that allow companies to save money over the life of their roof. These plans, like Maxwell’s MAXCare®, offer discounts on repairs and allow for long-term budgeting on maintenance and inspections.

If you’re ready to choose a commercial roofing company that will offer you the best value and a commitment to quality and timely work, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. today! Our team is experienced and ready to help.

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