5 Tips for Choosing a Commercial Roofing Contractor for Government Buildings

Kathleen Maxwell | June 11, 2021

tennessee state library and archives building.

Government buildings have a number of unique needs that complicate the process of choosing a commercial roofing contractor. Not only are reliability and price of the utmost importance for government agencies, but all work done on a building must be well-documented for proper accountability. 

Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. has worked on all kinds of government building roofs, and we understand the challenges of finding the right contractor for government projects. Here are some tips for finding the right roofing contractor for your government agency or building.

1. Keep your search local.

Construction is a local business. Contractors within the same area as the building know what a roof needs to hold up to the weather and where to get materials in a timely manner. They will also be familiar with building codes and any other local laws that govern buildings. It’s critical that government buildings are always up to code and properly maintained, and a local business is the best equipped to provide that.

2. Go with a reputable company.

A commercial roofing company is only as good as its reputation. Contractors with years of experience and good reviews get to that point by doing good work. For a government building, it’s important to get a contractor that has experience with similar jobs. Seek out commercial roofing companies that have done government work, and get recommendations before settling on the best option.

3. The lowest price doesn’t always mean the best value.

Government agencies are custodians of taxpayer money and should spend it responsibly. Sometimes, that may mean taking the lowest price offered by a contractor. But, to get the best value for the money, government agencies should consider other factors. A more expensive roof may last longer, or a contractor may offer a package deal that includes both roof construction and long-term maintenance

4. Ask about documentation.

Some roofers do a great job on construction but are not well organized on the back end. This can create serious problems for government agencies that need clear documentation of what work was done and paid for. Before choosing a contractor for government work, ask about their reporting process and ensure it meets the legal requirements for the agency paying for the work. Depending on location, commercial buildings require a specific level of licensing from the roofing contractor, as well as high-level insurance requirements. Proof of such prior to bid should be important! 

5. Think for the long-term.

When choosing a commercial roofing contractor you should consider the roof’s entire lifecycle. Getting a “good value roof” is not just about construction. Preventative maintenance is critical to making a roof last for its expected lifespan. Government agencies should consider roofing companies that offer roof management programs. These programs—like Maxwell’s MAXCare®—manage a roof over its entire lifespan, automatically scheduling inspections and maintenance and allowing customers to plan out their long-term budgets. 

If you’re ready to get started, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. today! Our team is experienced and ready to help.

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