Maxwell Roofing’s 10 Top-Ranking Commercial Roofing Blogs in 2021

Kathleen Maxwell | March 17, 2022

the year 2021 on what appears to be a flippable calendar.

Who doesn’t love a good year-in-review? Maxwell is sharing its top blogs of the year, full of our best roofing tips and tricks. Here is what our audience was interested in 2021.

Top Blogs in 2021:


  1. 4 Things to Know About Rooftop Penetration Installation

This blog looks at rooftop penetrations like skylights, fans, and vents. Maxwell discusses what is required in order to install these roof features and when it’s best to add them to a roof. 

  1. What to Know About Commercial Rooftop Bars or Decks

Rooftop bars and decks are excellent for restaurants and hotels, but both features present some unique challenges for buildings. In this blog, Maxwell looks at the different options and requirements for rooftop spaces. 

  1. What to Know About Roof Curb Installations

In this blog, Maxwell discusses the importance of roof curbs for equipment like HVAC systems.

  1. Roof Recover Systems: How to Know if Your Roof Meets the Criteria

Roof recover systems can be a less expensive alternative to a roof replacement system. This blog lays out the requirements for this replacement alternative.

  1. Guidelines for Commercial Rooftop Safety Compliance & Fall Protection

 Safety should be a top priority for all roofing companies. In this blog, Maxwell reviews the best practices for complying with safety guidelines and providing fall protection.

  1. Commercial Roofing Financing Tips

Paying for a new commercial roof can be a challenge for many businesses. In this blog, Maxwell provides some tips for financing this major purchase. 

  1. How Drones are Revolutionizing the Commercial Roofing Industry

Drones allow roofing companies to analyze a roof’s condition without ever setting foot on the roof. This blog looks at how drones are changing the game in the roofing industry.

  1. How Rooftop HVAC Systems Can Affect Your Roof

HVAC systems are crucial for commercial buildings, they can have a major impact on your roof’s health and structural integrity. Read this blog for all the reasons it’s important to consult a roofer when installing one.

  1. Why Rooftop Grease Trap Installation Is a Must

Restaurant grease can cause serious damage to a roof. This blog explores the importance of grease trap installation for restaurants in order to prevent roofing problems.

  1. 5 Eco-Friendly Commercial Roofing Options to Consider

Modern commercial roofs can help companies with energy efficiency. This blog explores options for an eco-friendly roof.

For more of Maxwell’s blogs, visit our website. If you’re ready to get started with a new roofing project, contact our team today.

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