A Property Manager’s Guide to Roof Leaks

Kathleen Maxwell | January 5, 2022

water droplets on a white background.

A leaking roof is every property manager’s worst nightmare. Roof leaks can compromise building safety, damage a property’s value and even cause further damage to the building. In order to prevent the worst outcomes from a roof leak, property managers need to know how to recognize a leak and what to do if they find one.

Signs Your Roof is Leaking

Storm damage can cause obvious holes in a roof, but not all leaks are this easy to spot. Small leaks can show up in a variety of small ways throughout a building. Property managers should always remain vigilant and check for signs of small leaks. Failing to address minor leaks can lead to a much bigger problem down the line.

Some signs that your roof may be leaking include:

  • Stained interior or exterior walls
  • Strange odors
  • Pooling water inside the building
  • Stained ceiling tiles

Immediate Actions After a Leak

Once a leak has been identified, property managers should take some immediate steps to prevent further damage and to protect the building’s occupants. First, close off the area affected by the leak and clean up any water that may be on the floors or interior walls. Keep the area well ventilated and use dryers or fans to dry it off and prevent mildew. Get in touch with both the building’s insurance company and a trusted roofing company to schedule a fix as soon as possible.

Finding a Roofing Partner 

Property managers should always have a roofer they trust on call. But if a leak occurs when you’re between roofers, it’s important to find a trusted partner as soon as possible. Don’t make the mistake of choosing the cheapest, first available roofer. Do your research to find a reputable company that will be able to produce quality work beyond this individual leak.

Preventing Future Leaks

The best way to deal with a roof leak is to prevent it from occurring! Preventative maintenance is the most effective way to keep commercial roofs leak-free. For property managers with multiple assets, a roof management program like Maxwell’s MAXCare® is the simplest way to track the care and condition of each building’s roof.

If you’re ready to learn more about leak repair and prevention, contact Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal today. Our team is ready to help.

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